


A blend of circus, dance, mime, theater and music, this is the vocation of Cirque Baroque : to combine all artistic forms, not to confine oneself to one only.


In 1973, Christian Taguet, trained at the National theater of Strasbourg, was looking for new audiences and new places to perform at. He created a new company under the name "Le Puits aux Images". His mission : to break with the old-fashioned, outdated form of tradional circus and to tell instead to the public a story where all the numbers were linked by a staging.


In its first period, the company performed in the streets of Paris, with shows created from pieces of Moliere, Dario Fo and Casona. Then it played in the whole of France through several tours.

In 1979, the company moved into a circus tent and opted for a more theatrical circus with a linear narrative. It was the beginning of what would be called "New Circus".


Seven years later,adopting the name of "Cirque Baroque" and creating a show of the same name, Christian Taguet would confirm his choice for more aesthetic and more chaotic shows, able to relate to all audiences, all stories. Then the creations would follow each other and would turn all over the world...

Cirque Baroque received the Grand Prix National du Cirque (National Circus Grand Prize) in 1986

Christian Taguet is Chevalier of Arts and Letters


The Company receives financial support from Region Ile-de-France